I want to take some time to talk to you about why I started this blog. I wanted to create a place where I could share my research and for people to be able to learn along with me.
Not everyone has the time to do tons of their own research, but they still want to learn. I love to learn new things and will obsessively search out all of the information I can get my hands on when I find a topic that I'm interested in.
The topic of homesteading and becoming more self-sufficient has been on my heart for quite a long time. I've always loved animals and eating straight from the garden.
My dream was to one day have property somewhere and to grow a large amount of my own food, to have a full pantry, and maybe even a handful of farm animals!
But it wasn't until very recently that I really started to dig deep into online articles and blogs, learning everything I could about homesteading.
So with this blog, I will be documenting what I learn both through research and personal experience.
Think of it as my homesteading journal that you get to rummage through! I'm going to organize the information I find into helpful articles that you can read and save for your own homesteading dreams.
Something I have learned recently is to take the time you have now before you're able to homestead and learn everything you can!
Be grateful for this season in life where you can practice useful skills and learn about gardening or different animals so that once it's time to start, you're more prepared for the challenge.
It can be difficult for those of us who have little patience, but it will benefit you, in the long run, to prepare now while you wait.
So let's get started!